Maliepaard, E. (accepted), Uitzendingen als hoogtepunt van een militaire loopbaan? Een logische opvatting die kan wringen met het behoud van militairen [Deployment as milestone of a military career? A dominant discourse which may affects retention of military personnel]. Militaire Spectator.
Maliepaard, E. (2024), Multinationale samenwerking en culturele Interoperabiliteit: Wat is het en hoe kunnen krijgsmachten dit monitoren? [Multinational cooperation and cultural interoperability: What is it and how could Armed Forces monitor it?}. Militaire Spectator 193, 11, 620-633.
Maliepaard, E (2022), Bisexuality/plurisexuality in romantic relationships: Making space for bisexuality/plurisexuality? Journal of Bisexuality, 22pp.
Maliepaard, E. (2020), Biseksualiteit in romantische relaties: Een eerste verkenning. [Bisexuality in romantic relationships: A tentative exploration] Tijdschrift voor Seksuologie 44, 1, 22-29.
Maliepaard, E. (2020), Spaces with a bisexual appearance: Reconceptualizing bisexual space(s) through a study of bisexual practices in the Netherlands. Social and Cultural Geography 21, 1, 45-63. (open access)
Spierings, B., Van Liempt, I. & E. Maliepaard (2018), Ownership and membership: Practices and experiences of neighbourhood residents in the Wijsgeren Community Garden in Amsterdam. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 109, 5, 677-684. (open access)
Maliepaard, E. (2018), Disclosing bisexuality or coming out? Two different realities for bisexual people in the Netherlands. Journal of Bisexuality 18, 2, 145-167. (open access)
Maliepaard, E. (2017), Bisexuality in the Netherlands: Connecting bisexual passing, communities, and identities. Journal of Bisexuality 17, 3, pp. 325-348.
Maliepaard, E. (2017), Bisexual safe spaces on the internet: analysis of an online forum for bisexuals. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 108, 3, pp. 318-330.
Mussies, M. & E. Maliepaard (2017), The cyborg mermaid: (or: how technè can help the misfits fit in). Multimodal Tecnologies and Interaction 1, 1, art 4. (open access; published conference proceeding)
Maliepaard, E. (2015), Bisexual Spaces: exploring geographies of bisexualities. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies 14, 1, pp. 217-234. (open access)
Maliepaard, E. (2015), Bisexual citizenship in the Netherlands: on homo-emancipation and bisexual representations in national emancipation policies. Sexualities 18, 4, pp. 377-393.
Maliepaard, E. (2015), Bisexuals in space and geography: more-than-queer? Fennia: International Journal of Geography 193, 1, pp. 148-159. (open access)
Maliepaard, E. (2015), Oorlogs- en Vredesmonumenten in Nederland: enkele case studies [War and peace monuments in the Netherlands: some case studies] Vrijetijdstudies 33, 1, pp. 37-47. Special issue on Dark Tourism.
Maliepaard, E. (2013), Seksuele interacties in het nachtleven: case study uit Brighton & Hove (VK). [Sexual interactions in nightlife: Brighton & Hove case study (UK)] Vrijetijdstudies 31, 2, pp. 23-33.
Guest editorial:
Maliepaard, E. (2018), Introduction to the special issue: EuroBiReCon: (inter)national research frontiers. Journal of Bisexuality 18, 1, pp. 1-14. (open access)
Book chapters
Baumgartner, R. & E. Maliepaard (2020), Concluding remarks: Proposing future directions. In: Maliepaard, E. & R. Baumgartner (Eds.), Bisexuality in Europe: Sexual citizenship, romantic relationships, and bi+ identities. Routledge.
Maliepaard, E. (2020), The bisexual movement in the Netherlands: Developments and experiences of key bi activists since the 1990s. In: Maliepaard, E. & R. Baumgartner (Eds.), Bisexuality in Europe: Sexual citizenship, romantic relationships, and bi+ identities. Routledge.
Maliepaard, E. & R. Baumgartner (2020), Bisexuality in Europe: Introduction to the field and this book. In: Maliepaard, E. & R. Baumgartner (Eds.), Bisexuality in Europe: Sexual citizenship, romantic relationships, and bi+ identities. Routledge.
Maliepaard, E. & J. van Lisdonk (2019), Online dating practice as a perfect example of interwoven worlds? Analysis of communication in digital and physical encounters. In: Nash, C.J. & A. Gorman-Murray (2019), The Geographies of Digital Sexuality (pp. 137-157). London: Palgrave.
Maliepaard, E. & R. Baumgartner (2020), Bisexuality in Europe: Sexual citizenship, romantic relationships, and bi+ identities. Routledge.

Maliepaard, E. (2018), Bisexual Rhapsody: On the everyday sexual identity negotiations of bisexual people in Rotterdam and Amsterdam and the productions of bisexual spaces (pp. 181). Ede: Print-Service Ede. ISBN: 978-94-92679-50-5. (published doctoral thesis – open access)

Other output:
Maliepaard, E. & R. Baumgartner (2020). Bisexuality. In G. Ritzer & C. Rojek (Eds.). The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2nd Edition.
Maliepaard, E. (2017), Surya Monro, Bisexuality: Identities, Politics, and Theories. Sexualities 20, 1-2, pp. 255-257.