
Academic presentations

Maliepaard, E. (2025), Women in the military: linking a gendered division of labour and (lack of) perceived social support. Cambridge: CMWR Conference, 23-24 April 2025.

Maliepaard, E.,  Op den Buijs, T., & Moelker, R. (2023), A theory of subjective health needs of women veterans (compared to men veterans). Ottawa: CIMVHR conference. 17-19 October 2023.

Maliepaard, E. (2018),  Connections between coming out, bisexual disclosure, invisibility, and LGBT policies [Connecties tussen coming out, biseksuele uitingen, onzichtbaarheid en agendering]. Amsterdam: Second LGBTI Conference of Netherlands and Flanders. 10 October 2018.

Maliepaard, E. (2018), Young people and their use of sexual identity labels in different social contexts: not (only) bisexual? Findings from the Netherlands. Manchester: International workshop: Bisexual – Pansexual – Omnisexual – Fluid – Queer. 26 May 2018.

Maliepaard, E. & Van Lisdonk, J. (2017), Online dating and bodies: Death of distance? Barcelona: Fourth European Geographies of Sexualities Conference. 13-15 September 2017.

Maliepaard, E. (2017), Bisexuality and polyamory:  Nuances from the Netherlands. Vienna: Second Non-monogamies and Contemporary Intimacies conference.  31 August – 2 September 2017.

Mussies, M & Maliepaard, E. (2016), The cyborg mermaid: or how technè can help the misfits fit in. London: Second International Congress on Love and Sex with Robots. 19-20 December 2016.

Maliepaard, E. (2015), Mapping the City: Mapping (bisexual) desire. Rome: Third European Geographies of Sexualities Conference. 16-18 September 2015.

Maliepaard, E. (2011), Queer Geography and the Lived Experience of the Everyday Life. Londen: Annual International Conference of the Royal Geographical Society (with Institute of British Geographers).

Professional presentations

Vermey, K.  & E. Maliepaard (2017)  What can we do with these findings? Online dating and sex in exchange for money [En wat levert het op? Online dating en ruilseks onder jonge MSM]. Co-organiser of a workshop on possible impacts and interventions of three online dating studies.  Nationaal congres Soa hiv seks: December 1 2017 in Amsterdam.

Heyl, E & E. Maliepaard (2014) Bisexuality in (local) government policies [Biseksueel in (gemeente)beleid]. Co-organiser of a workshop on bisexuality in local policies as part of an LGBT conference on LGBT in local government policies. Movisie: December 12 2014 in Utrecht.

Maliepaard, E. (2014) Panel on the Amsterdam Pink Panel Research study on bisexuality [Paneldiscussie over Amsterdam Pink Panel en onderzoek naar biseksualiteit]. Panellist at the Holland BiCon 2014. COC Haaglanden: November 1 2014 in The Hague.

Maliepaard, E & E. Heyl (2014) On the inclusion and exclusion of bisexuality/bisexuals in Dutch emancipation policies [Over de inclusie en exclusie van biseksualiteit/biseksuelen in Nederlands emancipatiebeleid]. Presentation as part of a roundtable conference on the bi-inclusivity of Dutch LGBT policies. Te Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science: June 20 2014 in The Hague.

Maliepaard, E. (2013), Life histories of bisexuals [Verhalen van Biseksuelen]. Inputworkshop at the Holland BiCon. COC Rotterdam: Oktober 13 2013 in Rotterdam.

Maliepaard, E. (2010), One day in the lives of Amsterdam based gay and lesbian youngsters: on the impacts of heteronormativity [Een dag uit het leven van homoseksuele jongeren in Amsterdam: over de invloed van heteronormativiteit]. Student Research Conference/Association of universities in the Netherlands: September 2010 in Leiden.

Fast, H, J.W. Kosten & E. Maliepaard (2009), Congolese migrant organisations in the Netherlands and Belgium: Activites and problems [Organisaties in Nederland en België, werkzaam in Congo: Activiteiten en Problemen]. Congo Netwerk Nederland/Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Oktober 2009 in Utrecht.

Maliepaard, E. & J. van Dijk (2008), National identities amongst Moluccans in the Netherlands [Nationale Identiteit bij Molukkers in Nederland]. Second annual conference of the  Honours College Geosciences: June 2008 in Utrecht.